Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grab your lucky rabbit foot.

Most people go through their morning routine with the typical, stream of consciousness thoughts running through their mind:

"What do I wear? It's raining, wear boots - the cute ones. Should I forget to pack that salad for lunch, and be forced (sigh) to go out and get a burger? The cute boots hurt my feet, damn it. I hope my boss is in a good mood - and if not, maybe he won't take it out on me. I sometimes hate him. I usually hate my coworkers. Why do I work in this place? I wish I were on a beach. Oh whatever, cute boots it is, they match my outfit. Maybe I should switch jobs, or careers. I never should have majored in creative writing. I like grapes."

(And yes, that last bit was an ode to Ellen Degeneres.)

But in my mind, the one thought that hits me as soon as I get out of bed, follows me as I get my shower and put on the cute boots, nags me as I prepare my salad and then forget it in the fridge, is: What side of the train will open first?

You must understand, at the Path station hub where I catch my train, there are three trains that come and go - two of them go into Manhattan. And riders can exit and enter trains on all three platforms that surround the trains.

So as the early morning hustle bustle takes place, individuals clutch their coffee cups and New York Daily News and (this week, at least) sopping umbrellas, take a deep wishful breath, and make the decision as to what platform they will wait.

Because you never know. You could be on Platform A, and the train pulls in next to Platform C. If this happens, my expert advice to is run. Fast. In your heels, your cute boots, whatever. Run upstairs, cross over to the Platform C and, if you're spry enough, you may just get there in time to rush on board as the doors open and grab a seat.

Oh, did I forget to mention the main goal? To get a seat.*

Now I know what you're wondering. What if you're on Platform A, the trains pulls in next to you (yay!), but the doors open on the Platform B side? Well then, you're screwed.

The best you can do is push all those other Jersey-ites aside to get to the front of the crowd that is gathering outside the Path doors, and as soon as the door opens, put your Available Seat Alert on high. If you see an open seat, run to it, tossing your handbag ahead of you to either a) land on the seat or b) knock out out competing riders who may be aiming for your seat. Then claim your seat in victory (a small seat victory dance is never proper, but a huge grin and sigh of "BEAT YA!" is entirely appropriate).

So, to wrap up today's lesson, how do you tell on which platform to stand, and which door will open first?

1) Pure luck.
2) Follow wherever the crowd is standing (yes, be a follower. jump off the bridge).
3) Give the station manager cookies every day, in exchange for train/platform info (that's right, my dears, bribery always works).

I prefer 1), pure luck. It gives the day a bit of mystery, a challenge to work for, a frustrating way to start the day.

And a chance to use my lucky rabbit foot.

*Though according to my boyfriend, one can actually burn 4 calories per minute (or something like that) by standing on the subway. Sweet, I won't have to go the gym in the morning!

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